My husband cheated on me after 31 years (3 adult kids) and told me the reason is "he stop loving me a few years ago". He's been with a married OW for 11 months. Should I divorce or not?
Facing infidelity after 31 years of marriage, especially with the added complexity of adult children, is an incredibly painful and challenging situation. Deciding whether to divorce or not is a deeply personal choice that requires careful consideration of various factors, including your own feelings, values, and long-term goals.
First and foremost, it's essential to prioritize your own well-being and emotional health. Infidelity can cause profound emotional trauma, and it's crucial to give yourself the time and space to process your feelings and seek support from trusted friends, family members, or a therapist.
Consider the state of your relationship and whether there is potential for reconciliation. Is your husband genuinely remorseful for his actions and willing to take responsibility for the hurt he has caused? Is he committed to repairing the trust and rebuilding the foundation of your marriage? Honest and open communication about your feelings, needs, and expectations is essential in determining whether reconciliation is possible.
Evaluate the viability of your marriage moving forward. Reflect on whether the reasons behind your husband's infidelity, such as falling out of love, are issues that can be addressed and resolved through counseling or therapy. Are you both willing to put in the work and make the necessary changes to rebuild your relationship stronger than before?
Consider the impact of your decision on yourself and your adult children. While divorce is undoubtedly a challenging process, staying in a marriage marked by betrayal and lack of love can also take a significant toll on your emotional well-being. Think about what kind of future you envision for yourself and whether staying in the marriage aligns with your values and long-term happiness.
Ultimately, the decision to divorce or not is yours alone to make. Take the time to weigh your options carefully, seek guidance from trusted sources, and prioritize your own well-being and happiness above all else. Remember that you deserve to be in a relationship where you feel loved, valued, and respected, and don't hesitate to take steps to prioritize your own emotional health and happiness, whatever that may entail.
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