What is a list of fruits with many seeds?

 Fruits with many seeds are often classified as "aggregate fruits" or "multiple fruits" because they develop from multiple ovaries within a single flower. One well-known example is the strawberry, which is technically an aggregate fruit composed of numerous tiny seeds (achenes) embedded on the surface of a fleshy receptacle. Each "seed" on a strawberry represents a separate ovary from the flower.

Another fruit known for its abundance of seeds is the pomegranate. Pomegranates are classified as multiple fruits because they develop from the fusion of multiple flowers into a single structure. Inside the thick, leathery skin of a pomegranate are numerous juicy arils, each containing a seed. These seeds are surrounded by a flavorful, edible pulp, making pomegranates both delicious and nutritious.

Additionally, figs are another example of fruits with many seeds. Although figs may not appear to have seeds on the outside, they actually contain numerous tiny seeds inside their flesh. These seeds add texture to the soft, sweet flesh of the fig, and they are an integral part of the fruit's reproductive cycle. Figs are unique in that they have a symbiotic relationship with a specific species of wasp, which pollinates the flowers inside the fruit and allows for seed production.


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